Happy Valentine’s Day!

By February 14, 2018 November 24th, 2020 Life Inspiration from a Yogi

Well guys, its Valentine’s Day!  No matter how that makes you feel as far as being single or having a partner goes… I hope you take some time today to self-reflect.  Looking at our relationships and really taking note of how they impact our lives.  If that’s positively- take some time to say or do something special for that person-whether its a romantic relationship or not!!  Its also a great time to think about our relationship with ourselves- do something for yourself today that makes you feel empowered.  Maybe that’s taking a bubble bath with some amazing essential oils, taking a yoga class, making a plan to get some on-sale chocolate tomorrow…. whatever it is- do it for YOU.  If you’re feeling bitter towards the holiday, maybe refocus that energy on bringing positivity into your relationship with yourself.  We can’t pour from an empty cup and we can’t depend on others to get our fill either.  It all starts within us and whatever we take in will pour out to others and come back to us as well!

My favorite Valentine’s surprise wasn’t one that I received, but rather what I was able to pull off for one of my best friends.  My friend Kristen and I rode horses together for a long time and she always wanted one of her own.  She had her mom talked into leasing a horse (keeping the horse just for a little while) for a two-year contract, but she didn’t have a horse in mind or lined up, yet.  I snuck out with our riding instructor at the time over to Milan and tried the horse out to see if she’d like him.  He was HUGE which was a plus since she’s 6 feet tall herself.. and sweet- so I knew she would love him!

We arranged for Cutter (the horse) to come to the barn, her mom had the contract signed & ready.. and I went to grab a few little gifts for him to give to her for Valentine’s Day.  He had a fresh braid in his mane and was freshly bathed to make a good first impression.  I wrapped some ribbon around the stall he was in along with a “Happy Valentine’s Day” sign on the front with some flowers asking Kristen to be his Valentine.  I walked her up to the stall and it took her FOREVER to understand that it was meant for her!  She started freaking out and thanking me (about this time her mom walked in too).  Truly the best gift is giving someone else something special.  I will never forget that moment of giving my friend her first horse and making a very special Valentine’s surprise.

Namaste, Angela