Our newest addition to the Backwards Yoga workshop family have been our Full Moon Ceremonies! This has proven to be a powerful experience for all the yogis who come & connect to their inner power over the 90 minute time together. There is tea provided in a variety of flavors so we all have something to sip on while discussing where we’re at in our journey & empowering each other to go further. Journaling provides deeper thought & provokes topics that we might put off rather than face. During the Full Moon Ceremony we go through a meditative yoga flow that allows us to release built-up energy in our bodies & move forward into the month ahead. Along with learning about different aspects of the moon cycle, we have also incorporated the gift of healing crystals! In January our yogis were given a smokey quartz to feel more grounded & in February we celebrated new beginnings with a moonstone crystal. In speaking with yogis after our time together, these ceremonies have proved to manifest new growth in our lives where we may not have known we had the power to create.
Interested in joining our next Full Moon Ceremony? Mark your calendar for Thursday, April 18th at Backwards Yoga! Please use the MindBody app or website to register ahead of time as space is very limited.
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